About Us

This is our story……

I have always enjoyed experimenting with homemade natural products, whether it’s for body products for myself or cleaning products for my home, it’s just something I enjoy doing.  As the world focuses on being healthier, cleaner and with conservation of our delicate planet at the forefront of our minds, I was shocked to learn on discovery about microbeads and the harm they cause to sea life being used in certain body products in this day and age.  What would the reason be for using plastic in such delicate products when there is absolutely no need with an abundance of amazing natural ingredients available all around us? 


So……. I decided I would start by using my hubby as my test subject and make a natural shaving gel as a surprise gift. I had nothing to lose. I thought he would probably look at it, thank me for the great gift and then just never use it.  To my surprise he used the shaving gel and absolutely loved it. He used the whole container and requested I make him some more!  I was now intrigued as to why he loved this product so much so tried it out myself.  I too was really impressed with how easily the razor glided over the skin and the lovely soft smooth feeling it left on the skin afterwards.   I was keen now to share this product with our friends and family to elicit their response. I got great reviews, everybody loved it and I had to now start suppling them as they refuse to use any other products.  Of course, they all became my testers after that.  I made batches with different carrier oils and fragrance oils to see which ones were popular and decided to launch a little business to share our amazing shaving gel with the world.


Our name was inspired by the very first fragrance oil I used, which is called Tropical Breeze –a Coconut & Lime scent.  This reminded me of a memorable trip to Hawaii a few years prior and I decided to use the name Hawaiian Vibes.  This also led me to favour the tropical fruity fragrances to reflect the tropical fruit you find on islands such as Hawaii. I wanted to develop a product that was gender neutral so instead of making separate shaving gel versions for different genders I decided to use fragrances that are universally enjoyed allowing for all genders to enjoy the same products


I have always wanted to work with my amazing younger sister, we have always had the idea of one day running a business together.  It became clear to me that this was the perfect opportunity to realise our dream. We live in separate countries, but this opportunity, and with modern technology our dream is now possible.  I needed help with the designs and labelling as well as marketing. I needed someone that could complement that side of the business and she could do so without living in the same country.  This enabled us to work together. I manage all the production and shipping while she takes care of the product design, social media and other marketing aspects.  Ultimately, we would like to, some day, live closer to each other and continue to run our growing business.